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  1. Congratulations escape plan! We have booked our flights for 26th October yippee
  2. Didn't your CO just tell you 9 months? I think you can still get cheapish flights up until 8th December. Even cheaper in January it's a pain I know, I've been planing for a year...
  3. I think you should plan for the 10 month mark for a visa grant. We thought we would get ours sooner, being married for so long and having australian references, but it didn't happen. You could have a long weekend in Fiji perhaps in December.?
  4. Just got our visa!!!!! 10 days short of 9 months. Yeeeee haaaaaa!! And it's the 100 subclass (permanent)
  5. I don't know. But she said she will grant it, so I'm encouraging my husband to resign. Congrats Naomi btw
  6. I am a dual national and live with my husband in (sunny) Essex. He is Lancasterian. Can't wait to go ...there are really good deals to melbourne on 21st-23rd October from stansted.
  7. 19th of December, but it took us two months to get all the documents together, so closer to 11 months of waiting for us. Who is yourCO. I think ours is The same as TheEscapePlan
  8. Still waiting for our caseworker to get back from holidays tomorrow. Grrrr
  9. There doesn't seem to be much transparency. If COs can only sign off a quota each month, why can't they just tell us that? Then we know that we are just in a queue
  10. Ive seen a few on this thread that have been granted in July. I'm hoping it's just a rumour, as ours is due in August. Our caseworker has already had two holidays this year, can't see what else she'll be doing
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